Kamis, 09 Juli 2009

SBY-Boediono: President of Indonesia 2009-2014 Version Quick Count

Results from several institutions that conduct the surveys fast indonesia 2009 presidential election can be concluded that the election in 2009 only lasted one lap only. SBY-pair is able to reach sound Boediono reached 60%, far superior compared to pair-Megawati, Prabowo and Wiranto JK. With the results of the calculation is fast SBY-capable Boediono eligible 50% plus 1 vote, and the distribution of SBY-Boediono far exceeded the constitutional requirement of a presidential election cycles to get the sound that is at least 20% in 50% more provinces across the country.

SBY victory pair Boediono in quick-count has not been absolute, and however the authorities announced in this case is the KPU. But from the results of previous surveys conducted by several institutions in the survey, the results that they quickly get melenceng not far from the man who made the KPU.

One of the institutions that make the fast, Information Research Institute (LRI) states disperse themselves. This is because they have previously predicts that the presidential election will be held in two rounds and says ready to disband if the prediction is wrong. And that pair of SBY-winning Boediono absolute top competitors-competitors. They also eventually disband because states are failing and not berkompeten in this calculation.

Next results quickly survey some of the institution:

1. Information Research Institute (LRI)

Megawati, Prabowo: 27.10%
SBY-Boediono: 61.09%
JK-Wiranto: 11.81%

2. Indonesia circle Surveys

Megawati, Prabowo: 27.27%
SBY-Boediono: 60.17%
JK-Wiranto: 12.55%

3. Research, Education and The Economic and Social (LP3ES)

Megawati, Prabowo: 27.40%
SBY-Boediono: 60.28%
JK-Wiranto: 12.32%

4. Center of Research and Development Strategic Policy (Puskaptis)

Megawati, Prabowo: 28.16%
SBY-Boediono: 57.94%
JK-Wiranto: 13.89%

5. Surveys Indonesia Institute (LSI)

Megawati, Prabowo: 26.57%
SBY-Boediono: 60.82%
JK-Wiranto: 12.61%

taken from : http://japraxxx.blogspot.com/2009/07/sby-boediono-presiden-indonesia-2009.html

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